Learning to be a friend...

Have you ever wondered what a real friend is? Are you a real friend? I think in life we go through a process of learning how to be a friend.
If we are honest, we must admit, sometimes, it's easier to mourn with another than rejoice. When someone loses a loved one, we can come along side a friend and feel the pain of loss. However, when something great happens to another, and our life is not going so well, jealousy can appear out of nowhere. We know it's wrong, but what can we do with these feelings? This is when we must look to the Lord for GRACE! His GRACE is given for such a time as this. His grace is more powerful than envy! Yes, He has given us emotions to experience LIFE together. When we rejoice with another, we are embracing God's goodness. We grasp that everything GOOD comes from God, for He is the Giver! We are learning to trust with the understanding, in due time another will rejoice with us! When we rejoice, we are believing God.
As we learn to be a friend, we must note that true friendship partakes in all emotions with another.