When you hear the word “chosen” what comes to mind? Does it take you back to the dreadful high schools years, and you begin to see visions of you standing in line to be chosen for a team? Or maybe the time you were picked for prom queen, cheerleader, marriage, or a promotion? A plethora of images come to mind by the mention of the word “chosen.” If we define “chosen”, we must distinguish that a selection has been made and someone preferred you among others. You were picked for a team.
Did you know the Lord uses the word “chosen” when He speaks of you? It is defined as the one who is “chosen for divine favor, an elect person.” It means God looks to you with kindness and favor. Do you understand what Christ says about you? Christian, let the below verse sink in deep, ponder on these words and let them carry you throughout this day and the rest of your life. In John 15:16 “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you.” (ESV) Yes, you have been chosen to be a part of His team. There is no more thoughts of rejection. You were not overlooked this time.
You must understand, He chose you from the foundations of the earth. Therefore, regardless of where you fall with doctrine such as a Calvinist or Arminianist, one cannot deny what the Scriptures state. You are CHOSEN. You are part of His plan, and that is all the counts in this world. Out of the billions of people throughout time who did not know Christ, and yes, my heartaches for them. Yet, we find throughout the Scriptures the Lord never rejects those who are looking for Him. Yes, I understand you may be struggling with reconciliation of "how is it that I choose Christ and how can I be chosen all at the same time?" The Bible states “many are called but only a few are chosen”, meaning those who are hearing His call. Christian, everyone has ears, but not all listen to His call. Chosen One, not everyone who hears the Gospel will accept its truth. Therefore, note that all are invited but only few will accept the invitation to join Him. He knows who are His. Yes, we have freewill and His sovereignty works within that will. He has known from the beginning who will follow Him. It is a difficult concept to accept, but it is true, and one of those mind-bogging mysteries that makes God, God. But think of this, Chosen One, You have been selected for salvation, kindness, favor, from the Lord, Himself. And just as you have been chosen by Jesus, you have also been chosen as an enemy of Satan. This means you will face persecution, but we must embrace our fate with the same heart as the Disciples, who saw their persecution as proof of the call. Therefore, remember today, You are HIS CHOSEN, and He take cares of His OWN. You, the Chosen One of Christ, BELONG TO HIM!