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Hunger Pains

Don’t you hate it when your stomach growls like a roaring lion? You are in a meeting or with a friend and your stomach waits for that perfect moment of silence, and then with all fanfare, it decides to let everyone know how you have denied it.

Yes, it can be quite humorous or a little embarrassing, depending on the volume of the roar. Isn’t it fascinating how God made our body to function, to make us aware of a need? Of course, as soon as possible you attend to the needs of your grouchy stomach.

Remarkably, my soul will let me know as well when it has been deprived of its nourishment. Yes, my soul will reveal its famished state with groans, a longing for something more than the physical. My soul aches with pains and exhibits itself with a terrible attitude, a hard heart, a complaining mood which flow out of my mouth like a dripping faucet, and fears that control me.

These actions are indicators that I have not spent enough time with my Lord. It is my soul craving to be fed, a cry for help. My soul screams of its wanting, a deep desire for daily bread, a commune with Him in prayer, and a basking in His presence. When I don’t feed the soul, it becomes horribly emaciated, poverty-stricken, an emptiness of what it needs most, Him. I must remember, it is Him, who is the lover and satisfier of my soul.

Are you suffering from soul starvation? Is your soul begging for its spiritual nourishment? If so, join me in this prayer…

Dear Lord, Let me recognize those indicators you have given me of my hunger for YOU. Do not allow me to get to the point where my attitude is despicable, and my heart hard. Lord, give me a craving for you and your Word. Help me to realize my need for you is daily, and my soul longs to be in relationship with YOU!

Psalm 63:1

O God, you are my God; I earnestly search for you. My soul thirsts for you; my whole body longs for you in this parched and weary land where there is no water

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